Apa itu Tenses? Penjelasan Lengkap 16 Tenses Beserta Contohnya

Tenses merupakan topik penting dalam pembelajaran bahasa inggris. Terdiri dari 16 jenis yang dibedakan berdasarkan waktu kejadian.

Apa itu tenses? Tenses merupakan jenis dari bentuk kalimat bahasa inggris yang terdiri dari 16 tenses dalam bahasa inggris berbasis pada perubahan bentuk verb yang menunjukkan waktu atau keadaan dari suatu tindakan yang dilakukan. Hal ini karena pada dasarnya kata kerja sendiri memiliki bentuknya sendiri bergantung dari perbedaan waktunya.

Kami yakin bahwa tenses bukanlah materi bahasa grammar yang asing dan baru untuk dipelajari, karena sejatinya tenses akan sudah dibahas pada pelajaran sekolah.

Kalau dilihat dari penggunaan kata kerja yang memiliki bentuk yang berbeda berdasarkan dari perbedaan waktunya, maka saat verb tersebut dalam sebuah kalimat juga akan mempengaruhi bentuk kalimat itu sendiri, seperti adanya kata tambahan berbentuk to be dll. Karena sejatinya kata kerja memiliki bentuknya sendiri berdasarkan waktu dan keadaan konteks kalimat yang ditulis atau diucapkan.

Hal tersebut juga yang membuat tense dalam bentuk berdasarkan kondisi waktunya. Macam-macam tenses lebih beragam karena tenses merupakan perubahan bentuk kata kerja dalam sebuah kalimat yang kompleks.

Macam macam Tenses


Jika Anda melihat jenis materi tenses yang 16 itu terlalu banyak, maka Anda bisa membagi menjadi 4 kategori berdasarkan waktu kejadiannya waktunya. Basic tenses ini akan menjadikannya lebih simple dimana pembagian perkategorinya terdapat 4 tenses dimasing – masing kategorinya.

12 tenses merupakan tenses yang sering digunakan baik dalam percakapakan ataupun tulisan sedangkan 4 sisanya merupakan tenses yang jarang di aplikasikan pada saat komunikasi.

Untuk lebih jelasnya anda dapat melihat penjelasan macam macam tenses dibawah berdasarkan kategori tenses dibawah ini:


Tenses untuk waktu kejadian present untuk anggota tenses dibawah ini:

  1. Simple Present
  2. Present Continuous
  3. Present Perfect
  4. Present Perfect Continuous

Semua bagian tenses diatas merupakan bagian tenses yang memiliki waktu kejadian yang sama yaitu yang terjadi pada waktu present.


Tenses dari waktu kejadian masa lampau / past untuk anggota tenses dibawah ini:

  1. Simple Past
  2. Past Continuous
  3. Past Perfect
  4. Past Perfect Continuous


Tenses untuk waktu kejadian yang terjadi pada masa depan / future untuk anggota tenses yang ada dibawah ini:

  1. Simple Future
  2. Future Continuous
  3. Future Perfect
  4. Future Perfect Continuous

Past Future

Tenses untuk waktu kejadian masa depan yang dilihat dari perfektif masa lalu / past future untuk tenses berikut ini:

  1. Past Future
  2. Past Future Continuous
  3. Past Future Perfect
  4. Past Future Perfect Continuous

Keempat kategori yang dibagi berdasarkan waktu kejadian diatas akan memudahkan proses pemahaman tenses dengan lebih cepat. Untuk memahami lebih detail dari ke 16 tenses diatas silahkan untuk baca penjelasan dibawah ini :

Simple present

Simple present Adalah bentuk tenses yang menjelaskan general truth (kebenaran umum), habitual action (kebiasaan yang dilakukan berulang-ulang), fact (fakta).

Bentuk kata kerja dari tenses ini adalah menggunakan kata kerja bentuk pertama (V1).

Pola : S + V1 + O + Adverb

Affirmative form (+)Negative form (-)Interrogative form (?)Negative interrogative form (-?)Short answer (+)Short answer (-)
I smileI don’t smileDo I smile?Don’t I smile?Yes, I doNo, I don’t
You smileYou don’t smileDo you smile?Don’t you smile?Yes, you doNo, you don’t
We smileWe don’t smileDo we smile?Don’t we smile?Yes, we doNo, we don’t
They smileThey don’t smileDo they smile?Don’t they smile?Yes, they doNo, they don’t
She smilesShe doesn’t smileDoes she smile?Doesn’t she smile?Yes, she doesNo, she doesn’t
He smilesHe doesn’t smileDoes he smile?Doesn’t he smile?Yes, he doesNo, he doesn’t
It smilesIt doesn’t smileDoes it smile?Doesn’t it smile?Yes, it doesNo, it doesn’t


Jenny goes to school every morning
(Jenny pergi kesekolah setiap pagi)
Merupakan time signal dari simple present yang menyatakan keseringan raka dalam melakukan aktifitas tersebut.
Time signal tidak wajib untuk di ikut sertakan dalam sebuah kalimat, karena bukan dari syarat wajib kalimat.


Lion eats meat
(Singa memakan daging)
Merupakan fakta umum bagi semua singa suka memakan daging, karena merupakan hewan karnivora.


The farewell party starts at 08.00 AM
(Pesta perpisahan dimulai pukul 08.00 WIB)
Kalimat diatas merupakan kalimat simple present yang berfungsi sebagai pernyataan sebuah tindakan/kejadian yang mendekati masa akan datang.
Kalimat diatas menyatakan bahwa pesta perpisahan akan dimulai jam 8 malam yang yang berarti pembicara mengucapkan kalimat tersebut pada beberapa waktu mendekati jam 8, yaitu jam 7.00 AM atau jam 07.30.

Present Continuous

Present Contiunous merupakan tenses dengan bentuk kata kerja yang menyatakan suatu kegiatan yang sedang berlangsung atau dilakukan di saat sekarang dan terkadang dipakai untuk perencanaan masa yang akan datang.

Pola : is/am/are + Ving

Affirmative form (+)Negative form (-)Interrogative form (?)Negative interrogative form (-?)Short answer (+)Short answer (-)
I am smilingI am not smilingAm I smilingAm not I smiling?
Am I not smiling?
Yes, I amNo, I am not
You are smilingYou are not smilingAre you smiling?Are not you smiling?
Are you not smiling?
Yes, you areNo, you are not
We are smilingWe are not smilingAre we smiling?Are not we smiling?
Are you not smiling?
Yes, we are  No, we are not
They are smilingThey are not smiling.Are they smilingAre not they smiling?
Are they not smiling?
Yes, they areNo, they are not
She is smilingShe is not smilingIs she smiling?Is not she smiling?
Is she not smiling?
Yes, she isNo, she is not
He is smilingHe is not smilingIs he smiling?Is not he smiling?
Is he not smiling?
Yes, he isNo, he is not
It is smilingIt is not smilingIs it smiling?Is not it smiling?
Is it not smiling?
Yes, it isNo, it is not


I am playing football now
(Saya sedang bermain sepak bola sekarang)
Menyatakan bahwa saya sedang beemain bola saat ini


Sorry, I am not sleeping
(Maaf, saya tidak tidur)
Menyatakan bahwa saya yang sedang mengucapkan kalimat ini dan saya sedang tidak tidur sekarang ini.


John is focusing on his thesis
(John sedang fokus pada tesisnya)
Bisa digunakan saat berada dimana pun/kapan pun walaupun pada saat berada di jalanan dan tidak sedang mengerjakan tesis.
Raka sedang dalam masa penyelesaian tesis sebagai bentuk persyaratan kelulusan dari kampus, yang mana merupakan bentuk dari pekerjaan proses panjang yang raka tekuni saat ini.

Present Perfect Tense

Present Perfect Tense seperti namanya perfect (kesempurnaan), tenses bentuk ini dipakai untuk menyatakan seatu kegiatan atau perbuatan yang telah selesai dikerjakan atau di tuntaskan.

Pola : S + have + V3

Affirmative form (+)Negative form (-)Interrogative form (?)Negative interrogative form (-?)Short answer (+)Short answer (-)
I have smiledI have not smiledHave I smiled?Have not I smiled?
Have I not smiled?
Yes, I haveNo, I have not
You have smiledYou have not smiledHave you smiled?Have not I smiled?
Have I not smiled?
Yes, you haveNo, you have not
We have smiledWe have not smiledHave we smiled?Have not we smiled?
Have we not smiled?
Yes, we haveNo, we have not
They have smiledThey have not smiledHave they smiled?Have not they smiled?
Have they not smiled?
Yes, they haveNo, they have not
She has smiledShe has not smiledHas she smiled?Has not she smiled?
Has she not smiled?
Yes, she hasNo, she has not
He has smiledHe has not smiledHas he smiled?Has not he smiled?
Has he not smiled?
Yes, he hasNo, he has not
It has smiledIt has not smiledHas it smiled?Has not it smiled?
Has it not smiled?
Yes, it hasNo, it has not


My friend has slept
(Teman saya sudah tidur)


My friend has lived in this town since he was a kid
(Temanku sudah tinggal di kota ini sejak dia kecil)


We have lived in this town for twenty years
(Kami telah tinggal di kota ini selama dua puluh tahun)

Present Perfect Continuous

Present Perfect Continuous merupakan tenses dengan bentuk kata kerja yang menjelaskan suatu pekerjaan yang telah dimulai di masa lampau namun masih berlanjut hingga saat ini.

Pola : S + have + Been + Ving

Affirmative form (+)Negative form (-)Interrogative form (?)Negative interrogative form (-?)Short answer (+)Short answer (-)
I have been smilingI have not been smilingHave I been smiling?Have not I been smiling?
Have I not been smiling?
Yes, I have beenNo, I have not been
You have been smilingYou have not been smilingHave you been smiling?Have not I been smiling?
Have I not been smiling?
Yes, you have beenNo, you have not been
We have been smilingWe have not been smilingHave we been smiling?Have not we been smiling?
Have we not been smiling?
Yes, we have beenNo, we have not been
They have been smilingThey have not been smilingHave they been smiling?Have not they been smiling?
Have they not been smiling?
Yes, they have beenNo, they have not been
She has been smilingShe has not been smilingHas she been smiling?Has not she been smiling?
Has she not been smiling?
Yes, she has beenNo, she has not been
He has been smilingHe has not been smilingHas he been smiling?Has not he been smiling?
Has he not been smiling?
Yes, he has beenNo, he has not been
It has been smilingIt has not been smilingHas it been smiling?Has not it been smiling?
Has it not been smiling?
Yes, it has beenNo, it has not been


I have been studying English for two month
(Saya telah belajar bahasa Inggris selama dua bulan)


She has been registering herself for the speech competition
(Dia telah mendaftarkan dirinya untuk kompetisi pidato)


We have been learning psychology for three semester
(Kami telah belajar psikologi selama tiga semester)


My cousin in a teacher. He has stayed in jakarta for two years. But he hasn’t got married yet. Yesterday, he came. My parent were very happy. When he came, my brother has just finished his duty. Now, my brother is confused. His girl friend has just come and asked next week, they will have got married.
(Sepupuku adalah seorang guru. Dia sudah tinggal di Jakarta selama dua tahun. Tapi dia belum menikah. Kemarin dia datng. Orang tua ku sangat senang. Ketika dia datang, adikku baru saja menyelesaikan tugasnya . Sekarang dia bingung. Pacarnya baru saja datang dan memintanya minggu depan mereka sudah menikah.

Simple Past

Simple past merupakan tenses dengan bentuk kata kerja yang menyatakan kebiasaan yang yang telah selesai dimasa lampau. Dalam penggunaannya sering dengan memakai kata keterangan waktu.

Pola : S + V2

Affirmative form (+)Negative form (-)Interrogative form (?)Negative interrogative form (-?)Short answer (+)Short answer (-)
I smiledI did not smileDid I smile?Did not I smile?
Did I not smile?
Yes, I didNo, I did not
You smiledYou did not smileDid you smile?Did not I smile?
Did I not smile?
Yes, you didNo, you did not
We smiledWe did not smileDid we smile?Did not we smile?
Did we not smile?
Yes, we didNo, we did not
They smiledThey did not smileDid they smile?Did not they smile?
Did they not smile?
Yes, they didNo, they did not
She smiledShe did not smileDid she smile?Did not she smile?
Did she not smile?
Yes, she didNo, she did not
He smiledHe did not smileDid he smile?Did not he smile?
Did he not smile?
Yes, he didNo, he did not
It smiledIt did not smileDid it smile?Did not it smile?
Did it not smile?
Yes, it didNo, it did not


I slept at 10 PM last month
(Saya tidur jam 10 malam bulan lalu)

I studied English last year
(Saya belajar bahasa Inggris tahun lalu)

When I was a child, I was always lazy to wake up in the morning
(Waktu kecil selalu malas bangun pagi)

Past Continuous

Past Continuous merupakan Kalimat tenses yang menyatakan perbuatan/ kegiatan yang sedang berlangsung di masa lalu

Pola : S + was/were + Ving + O

Affirmative form (+)Negative form (-)Interrogative form (?)Negative interrogative form (-?)Short answer (+)Short answer (-)
I was smilingI was not smilingWas I smilingWas not I smiling?
Was I not smiling?
Yes, I wasNo, I was not
You were smiling You were not smilingWere you smilingWere not I smiling?
Were I not smiling?
Yes, you wereNo, you were not
We were smilingWe were not smilingWere we smilingWere not we smiling?
Were we not smiling?
Yes, we wereNo, we were not
They were smilingThey were not smilingWere they smilingWere not they smiling?
Were they not smiling?
Yes, they wereNo, they were not
She was smilingShe was not smilingWas she smilingHas not she smiling?
Has she not smiling?
Yes, she wasNo, she was not
He was smilingHe was not smilingWas he smilingWas not he smiling?
Was he not smiling?
Yes, he wasNo, he was not
It was smilingIt was not smilingWas it smilingWas not it smiling?
Was it not smiling?
Yes, it wasNo, it was not


She was singing pop sad song last night
(Dia sedang bernyanyi lagu pop tadi malam)


I was studying English yesterday morning
(Saya sedang belajar bahasa inggris kemarin pagi)

Past Perfect

Past Perfect adalah merupakan tenses yang dipakai untuk menyatakan perbuatan yang telah selesai di masa lampau. Past Perfect memiliki kesamaan dengan Present Perfect, yaitu sama-sama memiliki dua fungsi layaknya Present Perfect.

Pola : S + Had + V3

Affirmative form (+)Negative form (-)Interrogative form (?)Negative interrogative form (-?)Short answer (+)Short answer (-)
I had smiledI had not smiledHad I smiled?Had not I smiled?
Had I not smiled?
Yes, I hadNo, I had not
You had smiledYou had not smiledHad you smiled?Had not I smiled?
Had I not smiled?
Yes, you hadNo, you had not
We had smiledWe had not smiledHad we smiled?Had not we smiled?
Had we not smiled?
Yes, we hadNo, we had not
They had smiledThey had not smiledHad they smiled?Had not they smiled?
Had they not smiled?
Yes, they hadNo, they had not
She had smiledShe had not smiledHad she smiled?Had not she smiled?
Had she not smiled?
Yes, she hadNo, she had not
He had smiledHe had not smiledHad he smiled?Had not he smiled?
Had he not smiled?
Yes, he hadNo, he had not
It had smiledIt had not smiledHad it smiled?Had not it smiled?
Had it not smiled?
Yes, it hadNo, it had not


Yesterday, when I came, the examination had finished
(Kemarin, ketika saya datang, ujiannya telah selesai)


I am from Medan. Yesterday, when my friend visited me, he had waited me for two days.
(Saya dari medan. Kemarin, ketika teman saya mengunjungi saya, dia telah menunggu saya selama dua hari)

Past Perfect Continuous

Past Perfect Continuous merupakan tenses yang dipakai untuk menyatakan perbuatan yang berlangsung terus pada masa lampau

Pola : S + had been + Ving

Affirmative form (+)Negative form (-)Interrogative form (?)Negative interrogative form (-?)Short answer (+)Short answer (-)
I had been smilingI had not been smilingHad I been smiling?Had not I been smiling?
Had I not been smiling?
Yes, I had beenNo, I had not been
You had been smiling You had not been smilingHad you been smiling?Had not I been smiling?
Had I not been smiling?
Yes, you had beenNo, you had not been
We had been smilingWe had not been smilingHad we been smiling?Had not we been smiling?
Had we not been smiling?
Yes, we had beenNo, we had not been
They had been smilingThey had not been smilingHad they been smiling?Had not they been smiling?
Had they not been smiling?
Yes, they had beenNo, they had not been
She had been smilingShe had not been smilingHad she been smiling?Had not she been smiling?
Had she not been smiling?
Yes, she had beenNo, she had not been
He had been smilingHe had not been smilingHad he been smiling?Had not he been smiling?
Had he not been smiling?
Yes, he had beenNo, he had not been
It had been smilingIt had not been smilingHad it been smiling?Had not it been smiling?
Had it not been smiling?
Yes, it had beenNo, it had not been


My friend had been living in medan for 5 years
(Teman saya sudah tinggal di medan selama lima tahun)


Two days ago, when John called Jenny, she had been doing her duty for two hours
(Dua hari yang lalu, ketika John menelepon Jenny, Jenny sedang mengerjakan tugasnya selama dua jam)


Two years ago, when John came to London. Jenny had been working there for two years. At the time she was very sad. When she had been getting lunch for thirty minutes, she didn’t realized that John invited her getting lunch together.
(Dua tahun lalu, ketika John datang ke London, Jenny sudah bekerja disana selama dua tahun. Saat itu, dia sangat sedih. Ketika dia sedang makan siang selama setengah jam, dia tidak menyadari john mengundangnya makan siang bersama.)

Simple Future

Simple Future merupakan bentuk kalimat tenses yang menyatakan perbuatan yang akan dilakukan di masa yang akan datang.

Pola : S + will V1

Affirmative form (+)Negative form (-)Interrogative form (?)Negative interrogative form (-?)Short answer (+)Short answer (-)
I will smileI will not smileWill I smile?Will not I smile?
Will I not smile?
Yes, I willNo, I will not
You will smileYou will not smileWill you smile?Will not I smile?
Will I not smile?
Yes, you willNo, you will not
We will smileWe will not smileWill we smile?Will not we smile?
Will we not smile?
Yes, we willNo, we will not
They will smileThey will not smileWill they smile?Will not they smile?
Will they not smile?
Yes, they willNo, they will not
She will smileShe will not smileWill she smile?Will not she smile?
Will she not smile?
Yes, she willNo, she will not
He will smileHe will not smileWill he smile?Will not he smile?
Will he not smile?
Yes, he willNo, he will not
It will smileIt will not smileWill it smile?Will not it smile?
Will it not smile?
Yes, it willNo, it will not


Next year, when I join the IELTS class, I will do my best
(Tahun depan, ketika saya mengikuti kelas IELTS, saya akan melakukan yang terbaik)


I will go teaching every morning next week
(Saya akan pergi mengajar setiap pagi minggu depan)


My friend is causing a trouble in enemy territory, I will help him
(Teman saya menyebabkan masalah di wilayah musuh, saya akan membantunya)

Future Continuous

Future Continuous Menyatakan kegiatan yang akan berlangsung di masa yang akan datang. Sekilas agak mirip dengan past continuous. Namun perbedaannya Future continuous terjadi di masa depan.

Pola : S + Will be + Ving

Affirmative form (+)Negative form (-)Interrogative form (?)Negative interrogative form (-?)Short answer (+)Short answer (-)
I will be smilingI will not be smilingWill I be smiling?Will not I be smiling?
Will I not be smiling?
Yes, I will beNo, I will not
You will be smiling You will not be smilingWill you be smiling?Will not you be smiling?
Will you not be smiling?
Yes, you will beNo, you will not be
We will be smilingWe will not be smilingWill we be smiling?Will not we be smiling?
Will we not be smiling?
Yes, we will beNo, we will not be
They will be smilingThey will not be smilingWill they be smiling?Will not they be smiling?
Will they not be smiling?
Yes, they will beNo, they will not be
She will be smilingShe will not be smilingWill she be smiling?Will not she be smiling?
Will she not be smiling?
Yes, she will beNo, she will not be
He will be smilingHe will not be smilingWill he be smiling?Will not he be smiling?
Will he not be smiling?
Yes, he will beNo, he will not be
It will be smilingIt will not be smilingWill it be smiling?Will not it be smiling?
Will it not be smiling?
Yes, it will beNo, it will not be


Tomorow at 09.00, we will be meeting our headmaster
(Besok jam 09.00, kami akan sedang bertemu kepala sekolah kami)


We will be bringing this table to the meeting room after lunch
(Kita akan sedang membawa meja ini ke ruangan kumpul setelah makan siang)

Future perfect

Future perfect merupakan tenses yang dipakai untuk menunjukkan suatu perbuatan yang sudah dimulai di waktu lampau, dan segera selesai di waktu yang akan datang. Berikut rumus Tenses nya.

Pola : S + Will / Shall + have + V3

Affirmative form (+)Negative form (-)Interrogative form (?)Negative interrogative form (-?)Short answer (+)Short answer (-)
I will have smiledI will not have smiledWill I have smiled?Will not I have smiled?
Will I not  have smiled?
Yes, I will haveNo, I will not have
You will have smiledYou will not have smiledWill you have smiled?Will not I have smiled?
Will I not have smiled?
Yes, you will haveNo, you will not have
We will have smiledWe will not have smiledWill we have smiled?Will not we have smiled?
Will we not have smiled?
Yes, we will haveNo, we will not have
They will have smiledThey will not have smiledWill they have smiled?Will not they have smiled?
Will they not have smiled?
Yes, they will haveNo, they will not have
She will have smiledShe will not have smiledWill she have smiled?Will not she have smiled?
Will she not have smiled?
Yes, she will haveNo, she will not have
He will have smiledHe will not have smiledwill he have smiled?Will not he have smiled?
Will he not have smiled?
Yes, he will haveNo, he will not have
It will have smiledIt will not have smiledwill it have smiled?Will not it have smiled?
Will it not have smiled?
Yes, it will haveNo, it will not have


Before the guest come tomorrow, John will have prepared everything
(Sebelum tamu itu datang besok, John Sudah akan menyiapkan segala sesuatunya)


By next month, John will have lived in London for 2 year
(Menjelang bulan depan, John akan sudah tinggal di London selama dua tahun)

Future Perfect Continuous

Future perfect continuous tense merupakan tenses yang hampir sama dengan ” Future Perfect ” tetapi perbuatan itu ada kemungkinan dilanjutkan di waktu yang akan datang.

Pola : S + Will / Shall + have been + V3

Affirmative form (+)Negative form (-)Interrogative form (?)Negative interrogative form (-?)Short answer (+)Short answer (-)
I will have been smilingI will not have been smilingWill I have been smiling?Will not I have been smiling?
Will I not  have been smiling?
Yes, I will have beenNo, I will not have been
You will have been smilingYou will not have been smilingWill you have been smiling?Will not I have been smiling?
Will I not have been smiling?
Yes, you will have beenNo, you will not have been
We will have been smilingWe will not have been smilingWill we have been smiling?Will not we have been smiling?
Will we not have been smiling?
Yes, we will have beenNo, we will not have been
They will have been smilingThey will not have been smilingWill they have been smiling?Will not they have been smiling?
Will they not have been smiling?
Yes, they will have beenNo, they will not have been
She will have been smilingShe will not have been smilingWill she have been smiling?Will not she have been smiling?
Will she not have been smiling?
Yes, she will have beenNo, she will not have been
He will have been smilingHe will not have been smilingWill he have been smiling?Will not he have been smiling?
Will he not have been smiling?
Yes, he will have beenNo, he will not have been
It will have been smilingIt will not have been smilingWill it have been smiling?Will not it have been smiling?
Will it not have been smiling?
Yes, it will have beenNo, it will not have been


By the time I meet her tomorrow, maybe she will have been sleeping for two hours.
(ketika aku menemuinya besok, mungkin dia (akan) sedang tidur selama dua jam)


By the end of this month, we will have been staying in this town for 3 months
(Menjelang akhir bulan ini kita (akan) sudah tinggal di kota ini selama 3 bulan)

Past Future

Past Future merupakan Suatu bentuk kata kerja untuk membicarakan masa depan dalam perspektif masa lalu. Maksudnya, kegiatan yang direncanakan di masa depan pada saat berada di masa lalu.

Pola : S + would + V1

Affirmative form (+)Negative form (-)Interrogative form (?)Negative interrogative form (-?)Short answer (+)Short answer (-)
I would smileI would not smileWould I smile?Would not I smile?
Would I not smile?
Yes, I wouldYes, I would not
You would smileYou would not smileWould you smile?Would not I smile?
Would I not smile?
Yes, you wouldNo, you would not
We would smileWe would not smileWould we smile?Would not we smile?
Would we not smile?
Yes, we wouldNo, we would not
They would smileThey would not smileWould they smile?Would not they smile?
Would they not smile?
Yes, they wouldNo, they would not
She would smileShe would not smileWould she smile?Would not she smile?
Would she not smile?
Yes, she wouldNo, she would not
He would smileHe would not smileWould he smile?Would not he smile?
Would he not smile?
Yes, he wouldNo, he would not
It would smileIt would not smileWould it smile?Would not it smile?
Would it not smile?
Yes, it wouldNo, it would not


I would go and see Jenny.
(Aku akan pergi dan menemui Jenny.)


John and Jenny would be able to buy a more comfortable home
(John dan Jenny akan dapat membeli rumah yang lebih nyaman)

Past Future Continuous

Past Future Continuous merupakan tenses yang menyatakan perbuatan yang akan sedang dilakukan di waktu lampau. Berikut rumus tenses nya.

Pola : S + would be + Ving

Affirmative form (+)Negative form (-)Interrogative form (?)Negative interrogative form (-?)Short answer (+)Short answer (-)
I would be smilingI would not be smilingWould I  be smiling?Would not I be smiling?
Would I not be smiling?
Yes, I would beNo, I would not be
You would be smilingYou would not be smilingWould you be smiling?Would not I be smiling?
Would I not be smiling?
Yes, you would beNo, you would not be
We would be smilingWe would not be smilingWould we be smiling?Would not we be smiling?
Would we not be smiling?
Yes, we would beNo, we would not be
They would be smilingThey would not be smilingWould they be smiling?Would not they be smiling?
Would they not be smiling?
Yes, they would beNo, they would not be
She would be smilingShe would not be smilingWould she be smiling?Would not she be smiling?
Would she not be smiling?
Yes, she would beNo, she would not be
He would be smilingHe would not be smilingWould he be smiling?Would not he be smiling?
Would he not be smiling?
Yes, he would beNo, he would not be
It would be smilingIt would not be smilingWould it be smiling?Would not it be smiling?
Would it not be smiling?
Yes, it would beNo, it would not be


Jenny had been waiting for the pizza.
(Jenny telah menunggu pizza)


Jenny and john had not been waiting her.
(Jenny dan john belum menunggunya)

Past Future Perfect

Past Future Perfect digunakan untuk suatu tenses pengandaian yang tidak mungkin terjadi karena syaratnya sudah pasti tidak terpenuhi, tapi hanya sebagai bayangan seandainya syaratnya terpenuhi

Pola : S + would have + V3

Affirmative form (+)Negative form (-)Interrogative form (?)Negative interrogative form (-?)Short answer (+)Short answer (-)
I would have smiledI would not have smiledWould I have smiledWould not I have smiled?
Would I not have smiled?
Yes, I would haveNo, I would not have
You would have smiledYou would not have smiledWould you have smiledWould not I have smiled?
Would I not have smiled?
Yes, you would haveNo, you would not have
We would have smiledWe would not have smiledWould we have smiledWould not we have smiled?
Would we not have smiled?
Yes, we would haveNo, we would not have
They would have smiledThey would not have smiledWould they have smiledWould not they have smiled?
Would they not have smiled?
Yes, they would haveNo, they would not have
She would have smiledShe would not have smiledWould she have smiledWould not she have smiled?
Would she not have smiled?
Yes, she would haveNo, she would not have
He would have smiledHe would not have smiledWould he have smiledWould not he have smiled?
Would he not have smiled?
Yes, he would haveNo, he would not have
It would have smiledIt would not have smiledWould it have smiledWould not it have smiled?
Would it not have smiled?
Yes, it would haveNo, it would not have


Jenny’s cat should have been eating this food before it got spoiled.
(Kucing Jenny seharusnya sudah makan makanan ini sebelum basi.)


Jenny and John would have been visiting a famous restaurant in town.
(Jenny dan John pasti akan mengunjungi restoran terkenal di kota.)

Past Future Perfect Continuous

Past Future Perfect Continuous merupakan tenses digunakan untuk suatu pengandaian yang tidak mungkin akan sedang terjadi dimasa lampau karena syaratnya sudah pasti tidak terpenuhi, tapi hanya sebagai bayangan seandainya syaratnya terpenuhi

Pola : S + would have been + Ving

Affirmative form (+)Negative form (-)Interrogative form (?)Negative interrogative form (-?)Short answer (+)Short answer (-)
I would have been smilingI would not have been smilingWould I have been smiling?Would not I have been smiling?
Would I not have been smiling?
Yes, I would have beenNo, I would not have been
You would have been smilingYou would not have been smilingWould you have been smiling?Would not I have been smiling?
Would I not have been smiling?
Yes, you would have beenNo, you would not have been
We would have been smilingWe would not have been smilingWould we have been smiling?Would not we have been smiling?
Would we not have been smiling?
Yes, we would have beenNo, we would not have been
They would have been smilingThey would not have been smilingWould they have been smiling?Would not they have been smiling?
Would they not have been smiling?
Yes, they would have beenNo, they would not have been
She would have been smilingShe would not have been smilingWould she have been smiling?Would not she have been smiling?
Would she not have been smiling?
Yes, she would have beenNo, she would not have been
He would have been smilingHe would not have been smilingWould he have been smiling?Would not he have been smiling?
Would he not have been smiling?
Yes, he would have beenNo, he would not have been
It would have been smilingIt would not have been smilingWould it have been smiling?Would not it have been smiling?
Would it not have been smiling?
Yes, it would have beenNo, it would not have been


Jenny’s cat should have been eating this food before it got spoiled.
(Kucing Jenny seharusnya sudah makan makanan ini sebelum basi.)


Jenny and John would have been visiting a famous restaurant in town.
(Jenny dan John pasti akan mengunjungi restoran terkenal di kota.)

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Mr. Khalid
Mr. Khalid

InggrisPRO merupakan wadah pembelajaran bahasa inggris serta menyediakan resource untuk mendukung pembelajaran bahasa inggris.

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